torsdag 17. desember 2009

Oblig 2 Final

I am finally finished with my second project.
This last week has been used for rendering and
post production work, such as cutting the movie
and creating logos, etc in photoshop.
So here it is, my first movie.

fredag 11. desember 2009

Oblig 2, Week 3

I am now getting to the end of the third week of the project. I have been able to keep to my time schedual and have finished the animation. I am starting the rendering tonight and hopefully i'll be able to use most of the last week putting everything together.

mandag 7. desember 2009

lørdag 5. desember 2009

Oblig 2 week 2

This week I have been finishing up modeling my scene.
I have also started to look at the animation and i have done
some tests with reactor on some parts of my scene.

tirsdag 1. desember 2009

Oblig2 Set picture

Here is a picture of the scene i made for this project. It is not finished yet, I still have to make a few small things and put textures and light on it, but this is the raw build of the set.

fredag 27. november 2009

Oblig 2 animation. Project synopsis

The theme i have choosen for this project, based on the overall theme "environment", is recycling.

My movie will be set on a regular street corner. It starts with a Rube Goldberg machine (see being set of from a window in one of the building and it will lead to a jar/box that will be lifted towards the opening of a recycling trashbin, but it will miss and fall to the ground. The scene end s with the words recycling may seem more complicated than it is.

I will be modeling one tin canister, one soda bottle, one wine bottle, one cardboard box, one plastic ball, one glass jar and several wooden and metal sloopes and tracks.

my deadline is Decembre 18. so i have 3 weeks from today. Next week i'll complete modeling the scene and start with the animation. The second week will most likely be used only for animation and i hope to be able to use the whole of the third week doing after effects such as texturing, sound and rendering.

tirsdag 17. november 2009

Last Day

It is the last day and i am getting ready to
hold a lecture on my assingment.
I finished my assingment last thursday after a lot of work
organizing and searching for map locations and such. The reason for
this extra workload was a problem with archiving the 3ds Max file. When
archiving i got an error message. After some time searching for the problem
i decided to simply make a new folder where i placed copies of all the map files i had
used in the scene so that it was possible use my 3ds Max file on other computers.

onsdag 11. november 2009

Pre photoshop vs. final picture

here you can see my final picture and how it looked before
i used photoshop.

onsdag 4. november 2009

A new day and another render

Today i have mostly worked with lights.
I have removed the spotlights in the bar, because i
felt they ruined a bit of the atmosphere in the room.
I have put in some lights to highlight the art in the bar
i have cooled down the color in the main light from the
lounge lamp and i have put some weak spotlights on the
paintings to give them back the heat they lost due to the
cooling of the lounge lamps light.
I have also created a new texture for the cups and sake jars
to compliment the art in the bar.
I have done some modeling as well, like the light-switch
next to the bar and the spots hanging from the ceiling.

tirsdag 3. november 2009

New render

A new render. I have fixed some shadow problems and added some lights and new elements to the scene.

mandag 2. november 2009

Oblig 1, part 3

I am now finished with the modeling of all the major parts of my scene and I have moved on to lighting and shadow. Since last time i have raised and modeled the roof, made a new tableand some flasks, cups/glasses and a ceiling lamp. I have also put in some paintings that i made in photoshop.
I will use the rest of the week to set up proper materials and lights.

onsdag 28. oktober 2009

oblig1, part 2

This week i have been modeling the major elements of the scene like the bar, chair and sofa.
i have also enlarged my original scene because of general lack of space.
I am now moving on to modeling smaller elements such as bottles, pillows and the like. I will hopefully be able to move on to materials and lightning at the end of next week.

fredag 23. oktober 2009

Oblig 1 Part 1

I have now started on the first part of my assingment
called archtectual visualisation and i've started with the planning of the layout and design of the room i'm creating.

Here i have put in some images of my "idea-report"
and some pictures of furnitures i am thinking of using.

torsdag 15. oktober 2009

We worked with mix maps and the use of photoshop in 3Dsmax today, here i created a crater using 2 different materials in a mix map, to create a sense of impact at the centre of the crater. I used photoshop to create an oppacitymap that i laid on top of the mixmap to set a path for the mix.

tirsdag 29. september 2009

Today we worked with materials and the different ways we can modefy an object using them.
With this volcano i used the gradient map with a maodefier called displace to create a mountain shape. the surroundings were created using the same technique.

mandag 28. september 2009


Our assignment today was to model a bird using edge-modeling. i started out using a plain and streching it to match a reffrence picture we were given. Using pictures from multiple angles i could create a 3D shape.

mandag 21. september 2009

i decided to make a chessboard to practice using the lathe modifier, which i have had some problems with before.

Here i used splines and lathe to create a chandelier. I also used this assignment to try some texturing and lighting.

My box-man, this was an test in how to position pivot points and using link to create limbs that bend naturaly.

One of the first things i made.
I was playing around with the array tool and decided i wanted to make a wheel, and the rest followed.