onsdag 4. november 2009

A new day and another render

Today i have mostly worked with lights.
I have removed the spotlights in the bar, because i
felt they ruined a bit of the atmosphere in the room.
I have put in some lights to highlight the art in the bar
i have cooled down the color in the main light from the
lounge lamp and i have put some weak spotlights on the
paintings to give them back the heat they lost due to the
cooling of the lounge lamps light.
I have also created a new texture for the cups and sake jars
to compliment the art in the bar.
I have done some modeling as well, like the light-switch
next to the bar and the spots hanging from the ceiling.

tirsdag 3. november 2009

New render

A new render. I have fixed some shadow problems and added some lights and new elements to the scene.

mandag 2. november 2009

Oblig 1, part 3

I am now finished with the modeling of all the major parts of my scene and I have moved on to lighting and shadow. Since last time i have raised and modeled the roof, made a new tableand some flasks, cups/glasses and a ceiling lamp. I have also put in some paintings that i made in photoshop.
I will use the rest of the week to set up proper materials and lights.